Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Leveling With your Friends made a post about how her character was leveling with members of her guild and this made me think about how I am leveling and how that's working out. Starting out from level 1-60 I leveled more or less with my friends' Undead Priest right by my side. We were able to go through most of the quests in Azeroth (admittedly we did skip entire zones and some instance quests. Most notably EPL, Silithus, North Barrens, Gnomeregan and all of the 60 instances except for BRD and DM). The experience was fun and effective, our classes were able to synergize pretty well and allowed for firepower, healing, aoe, kiting etc...hell, even magetank ;). At 60, my other friend's warlock finally caught up to us and all of outlands it was 3 of us leveling together in instances and all the quests. Oddly enough, when he joined us and started playing, it all of a sudden felt much much more difficult to do this playstyle. Not only does each mob kill equal less experience to you, but its also much more difficult to coordinate 3 people as opposed to only 2, especially on quests with low drop rates or when you have to pick up x items on the ground. Instances seem to be the easiest, and best, way for us to level. However, because we are going to school on weekdays, we are forced to quest on weekdays (1.5hrs playtime) and zerg the instances on weekends. Although its still fun, and the experience is good for the most part, it seems like blizzard designed the outside Azeroth around two players. Honestly, going from 1-60 with 2 players seemed very very fluid, perhaps much more so than going solo. The group exp system and rest system made it easier to make up shared mob exp and many quests were done faster/easier than they could have been otherwise (mage/priest duo of Araj in WPL when we were 58 :D). Although its still fun, and the experience is good for the most part, it seems like blizzard designed the outside Azeroth around two players.


Keystone said...

I know your pain...

I level with three real life druid friends, and my problem is they all three have different specs & play styles.

So, I have to change my playing style each time to go along with whomever I'm playing with ay the time. For instances we almost always have to get a tank because none of them have mastered the art of tanking yet, especially not our feral specced druid... (she's new to MMO's)

As a Mage I almost feel more inclined to level solo because of my devastating power to kill mobs so fast, I feel almost slowed down when any other class comes into the picture.

...but then I remember what MMO's are all about, playing with other people, and if I wanted to solo, I should be playing something along the lines of Oblivion.

So it may not seem efficient, but if the third person is a friend, then it's still worth it. ^^

SingleGrrl said...

I haven't had the chance to party up with two others as often as I have just partying with one other person at a time, but I do tend to agree with you - pairing up for quests works a lot more smoothly than tripling up, but of course, to have a team of 4 or 5 people who are used to playing together in general makes dungeons and places like Jintha'alor go a LOT smoother.

I enjoy the challenge of learning how to play different classes WITH different classes, and I find that now that I have a number of different classes of toons, I'm much more aware of how to effectively work with my classes when I'm playing different ones (ie: rogue playing with Mage, since I have both class types).

That's not to say that we don't have completely different specs with completely different playstyles at times! It's great to learn from other people's strategies as long as the people in question have playstyles that don't grate against my own. I'm not very good at learning from players who annoy me when we play together, no matter how "good" they are at their class ;)

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