Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Haven't posted in a really long time.

So I went MIA for about two weeks recently from this blog and almost forgot it amidst all that has been going on. Several important things happened since the last time I posted. First of all, we finally hit 70 and oh gosh how impressive was that experience. Ecstasy, flowing valleys of milk and honey, all the women that we could ever wish and more flashed in our minds...but seriously, it was just another swirly thing with golden light. So there we stood, dumbfounded as to what we were going to do next in our epic quest of character improvement. The fact of the matter is that Blizzard made this game super easy, perhaps too easy to level. When we hit 70, we were just beginning the Nagrand quests, meaning that we have an entire mile stretch to go in order to finish the quests in Shadowmoon, Blade's edge, Netherstorm and even Nagrand. From my experiences so far and instances before 70, for the most part bosses are ridiculously easy. The only two encounters that we ever had extended trouble with were Nazan and Blackheart the Inciter, both of which are easily manageable by changing gear from +int, +dmg to something much more +dmg intensive that burns your mana very fast but leaves your harmless to your friends.

So what are the plans now? We started our karazhan key chains and are almost done with them (up to the black morass part) and are trying to do the same with the guild that we were building up. We had a guild 10man ZG and although the instance is outdated, it fares very well at allowing you to teach the basics of raiding to people who have never done it before. The results were interesting. Even though we were 70, from what I saw, the execution of each boss was perfect. Jeklik got bashed and moved around, Venoxis got separated and moved, Marli's aggro wipe was picked up by an offtank, Tiger boss' three add phase one was done well, Hakkar's MC got feared and everybody was poisoned. The only tough fight was Panther, but thats because we completely forgot to mention that she will Kill-Mark somebody. We're pretty proud of how the guild did in ZG, although we did notice some hefty problems. The most important of which being focus dps. Too often we saw multiple mobs being dps'd at the same time, which obviously creates its own problems.

This weekend we are planning to do AQ20 to do a little bit more "raiding", get in touch with more interesting/difficult fights and hopefully fix the focus fire problem.

1 comment:

Keystone said...

Grats on 70!!!

It's good to see you posting again ^^