Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Looking at deep fire PvP

I was dueling Hellbringer the other day and came to the realization that deep fire pvp is pretty bad mostly because it relies on me stopping to cast a 3 second fireball to do any real damage. Other than that, I can burst fire blast, blast wave, dragon's breath and then im out of damage for the next 20 seconds. I cant really do anything, maybe a scorch, other than spam AE and run away...which doesnt work too well nowadays. Suggestion? Bring down Blast wave cooldown to 15 seconds and lower dragon's breath to a 10 second cooldown, this way its on par with cone of cold. which currently does more damage than DB if specced mid-frost, which I don't think is right. Perhaps the DB change is sort of overpowered, so retroactively lower the duration of the disorient to 1.5 seconds


Hexapuma said...

Even though you are heavy fire I would suggest that you use frost spells. Of course they won't deliver nearly the same amount of damage - but you won't be hanging with zero damage. Use frost to slow down your opponent to get in another burst of fire.

Keystone said...

When I used to be a Fire Mage, I built my damage on Scorch and only opened with Fireballs. I never took Improved Fireball since I only cast it as an opener, so a reduced .5 seconds meant nothing.

During combat itself though, I would release all my instant spells followed by repeated Scorches until they were ready again.

Improved Scorch is an awesome talent, and works great with Ignite & Impact.

Also, like Warpcurse said, it helps to cast spells from other trees too. If you're fighting another Mage, the trick is to cast Frostbolt until they Counter-Spell; only a very alert and observant Mage will notice and wait to CS your fire tree.

If you can get the other Mage to burn his Counter-Spell, then it's open season on Fireballs.

The same can be said about other spell counters, just get them to counter your weak tree (Frost), then unleash the...Molten Fury (pun intended)

Sunstriker said...

yea, my biggest problem is against classes like shadow priests, hunters, enhancement shamans, classes where stopping to move and casting anything can be a mistake :(